Employ the unemployed

I have one established source of income and my plan was always to use that to fund my other ideas and employ young people and single mothers. My vision includes starting a cooperation with several different businesses under it similar to the Roe Group of companies in Belize. I do not wish to just turn a profit. I am interested in establishing businesses in several different fields to employ a wide range of people with different skills. My plan for my employees is to pay them above the average that they would normally get at other businesses and give them an opportunity to build. I have noticed that the amount people get paid are not really covering their expenses in a way that allows them to lead a fulfilling life and I want anybody who joins my team to have that freedom since I have already given it to myself. After establishing businesses in Belize city I plan to also branch out to other districts and recreate the same services there and employ many others!
Kaylyn / Makeada
¿En qué fase está tu propuesta?
Implementation / On the market
¿En qué categoría quieres inscribir tu idea?
Describe la necesidad o problema que deseas abordar
Unemployment affects the whole family. It causes malnourishment, it builds resentment and causes violence. A few years ago the street characters in our country were all given the opportunity to work on casting the streets and when they had jobs and were able to provide for their family the crime in our country went down. My daughters father and I had the most toxic life and having no money always
¿Cuál es el principal producto o servicio que ofrecerás?
Pastries...specifically brownies and bread pudding. I aim to also eventually add a laundry service and breakfast delivery for call center employees.
Describe brevemente la comunidad o población que se beneficiará de tu solución y de cómo planeas involucrarlos en el proyecto
Members of the Southside community of Belize City will benefit from this solution as it will employ several people and constantly developing and growing will allow us to hire more of our people.
¿Tiene tu propuesta un modelo de negocio (es decir, una estrategia para generar ingresos)? Por favor describe
Yes...I am already in business and making a good profit. I bake and the father of my child sells. With only two of us the amount we can move is limited.

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Change dah Story|Belize

Change dah Story, not just for you and me, but the community we all want to see

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